Nov 26, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog, Policy Pod
Professor James Wilsdon (Professor of Research Policy, University of Sheffield) Recorded: Tuesday 12 November at the University of Auckland Enough of experts: does Brexit spell the slow death of British science and evidence-informed decision-making? The UK is...
Oct 2, 2019 | Events, Policy Commons Blog
Professor James Wilsdon (Professor of Research Policy, University of Sheffield) Date: Tuesday 12 November Time: 12-1pm Venue: Pat Hannan Room (207-501) Enough of experts: does Brexit spell the slow death of British science and evidence-informed decision-making? The UK...
Apr 15, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog
‘The Education Sector after Trump, Brexit and Christchurch: Hosted by the Europe Institute at the University of Auckland, featuring Prof. John Morgan (Education), Prof. Elizabeth Rata (Education), Dr Claire Meehan (Sociology). Recorded Monday 8 April 2019. There...
Feb 14, 2018 | Policy Pod
The overlapping economic challenges and geo-political changes and tensions make the global economic scene riskier and more unpredictable than at any time since the late 1960s. Many of the key economic relationships that economists tended to take for granted seem to...