Nov 4, 2022 | Liveability, Ecology and Infrastructure, Policy Briefing
Danial Jahanshahi, Seósamh Costello, Kim Dirks, Subeh Chowdhury – University of Auckland Bert van Wee – Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Cycling is a mode of transport that provides various health, environmental, and societal benefits. However,...
Jul 21, 2022 | Liveability, Ecology and Infrastructure, Policy Commons Blog
We have to bridge the gulf between suburban front doors and cheap public transport if we want more people on buses and trains. Timothy Welch looks at how. The Government has extended half-price public transport fares until 2023 – excellent news for many who use...
Jun 30, 2021 | News, Policy Briefing
Alasdair Jones, University of Auckland Susan Parham, University of Hertfordshire In both urban research and urban development practice there is a growing interest in the incorporation of principles of environmental sustainability in urban design. This is the case for...