Green bonds a small step in a dual crisis

Green bonds a small step in a dual crisis

Dr Ryan Jones and Dr Tom Baker ask if ‘green bonds’ can save us from economic and climate collapse Covid-19 has combined with climate change to create a dual crisis that demands extraordinary financial solutions. Governments around the world, including ours in...
Virtual hosting of APEC a bold move

Virtual hosting of APEC a bold move

By Rob Scollay – What New Zealand must do to play virtual host to APEC next year is something perhaps never attempted before. The rewards could be big.  Virtual hosting of 2021 APEC: a rewarding challenge for NZ New Zealand’s confirmation that it will proceed...
Covid-19 and clickbait

Covid-19 and clickbait

By Anne Salmond – Michael Woodhouse still can’t provide evidence of his apocryphal ‘homeless man’ staying for free in quarantine.  Dame Anne Salmond argues the Opposition and media need to be better in throwing around such claims. It is now 12...
Colonial feel to Māori media plan

Colonial feel to Māori media plan

Crown options for Māori media have a colonial “feel and smell” to them, writes the University of Auckland’s Dr Claire Charters  Are the Government’s Options for Māori Media unconstitutional, contrary to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, international Indigenous peoples’...