*PLEASE NOTE: Due to a technical malfunction, the first section of Richard’s talk is missing.

Professor Richard Baldwin (Professor of Economics, Graduate Institute of Geneva, Seelye Visiting Fellow)


While globalization and robotics, “globotics”, will eventually make a better world, they are today creating competition for service-sector jobs that is coming faster than most believe and in ways that will seem incredibly unfair. If the displaced office workers join with the displaced factory workers, the result could be a disruptive upheaval. This book argues that workers need to prepare for the future of work in new ways, and governments regulate the pace and unfairness of the competition from globots.

Prof Richard Baldwin

Richard Baldwin is Professor of International Economics at the Graduate Institute, Geneva, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the policy portal VoxEU.org, and Associate Member, Nuffield College, University of Oxford. In addition to his research and teaching, he advises governments and international organisations around the world on globalisation and trade policy issues. In 1990-91 he served as a Senior Staff Economist for President George Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors, having completed his PhD in economics at MIT with Paul Krugman (with whom he has published a half dozen articles). His latest book, The Globotics Upheaval: Globalization, Robotics and the Future of Work, was published in February 2019.

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