Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia USA I Seelye Visiting Fellow

The criminology discipline is closely tied to the project of colonization and patriarchal imperialism as a science designed for the control of Others. Prior to colonization, Indigenous Peoples had no prisons and remained overwhelmingly law abiding until the colonizers brought the repressive fetishes of Anglobalization to effect genocide, steal the land, and enslave the survivors. The other social sciences and the arts and humanities were quicker to making efforts towards decolonization, while criminology remains embedded with the state power structures and therefore control­-freak criminologists are more likely to resist the ongoing decolonization of theory, methodology and especially policy.

Recorded at the University of Auckland, Tuesday 11 June 2019.

Biko Agozino is a Nigerian criminologist best known for his books Black Women and the Criminal Justice System (1997) and Counter-Colonial Criminology: A Critique of Imperialist Reason (2003).



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