Jun 30, 2021 | News, Policy Briefing
Alasdair Jones, University of Auckland Susan Parham, University of Hertfordshire In both urban research and urban development practice there is a growing interest in the incorporation of principles of environmental sustainability in urban design. This is the case for...
Sep 17, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog
This narrative centres on a two and a half year collaborative kaupapa that has resulted in the 2019 formation of a trust-Te Kaupapa Mahitahi Hauora-Papa o Te Raki Trust. The mission of the Trust is to forge a new future for primary healthcare in Northland through a...
Mar 25, 2019 | Policy Commons Blog
By Mark Western – This article originally appeared on the LSE Impact Blog. Reproduced with permission. Solution-oriented social science makes solving problems the object of social science, and working on other people’s problems becomes the key driver of the...